The Counseling and Accessibility Unit
The Counseling and Accessibility Unit of Democritus University of Thrace (DOSYP) was founded according to the University Senate’s decision 40/51/12.12.2017.
DOSYP started operating in 2018 and during its initial operation stage, it has been funded by the PA (Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework) 2014-2020, through the act “Supporting social care interventions for the students of the Democritus University of Thrace”.
It is consisted of two departments: : (1) the Counseling and Psychosocial Support department and (2) the Accessibility department.
All DOSYP services are addressed to all students of the Democritus University of Thrace.
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To promote constructive ways of learning, academic success, and socialization for students with disabilities and other difficulties.
Equal access to the academic activities for students with disabilities, by properly adapting the facilities of the University, by using assistive technology and by providing the students with services which enable the access to facilities, as well as knowledge.
Personal development and improvement of the social life of students with disabilities, inside and outside the University.
Specifically, the Counseling and Accessibility Unit develops operations to address students’ difficulties regarding following issues:
Education: learning disabilities, difficulties in studying and apprehending, difficulties in decision making, concentration issues, exam stress, inadequacies of the University facilities, technologies and equipment due to disability.
Academic life: difficulties adjusting to the environment, time management, negative attitude towards studies.
Social life: personal relationships difficulties, isolation, low self-esteem, difficulties integrating into the social environment.
Other difficulties: psychosomatic disorders, emotional difficulties, addictions.
The main hub of DOSYP is located in the city of Komotini and three additional branch offices are located in the cities of Orestiada, Alexandroupoli and Xanthi.
Academic Staff
Maria Samakouri
Project manager
Nikolaos Mitianoudis
Associate Professor
Scientific supervision for the accessibility department activities (Central Office)
Despina Sakka
Scientific supervision for the counselling, psychosocial support and accessibility activities (Alexandroupoli office)
Agapi Kandylaki
Scientific supervision for the Counseling and Psychosocial Support department activities
(Central Office)
Chatzissavvidis Christos
Scientific supervision for the counselling, psychosocial support and accessibility activities (Orestiada Office)
Efthymios Lampridis
Associate Professor
Scientific supervision for the Counseling and Psychosocial Support department activities(Central Office)
Antonios Sapountzis
Assistant Professor
Scientific supervision for the counselling, psychosocial support and accessibility activities (Xanthi Office)
Frequently asked questions
Who can use our services?
The Counseling & Accessibility Unit addresses its services to students with psychosocial difficulties, and learning disabilities. Bachelor or Master Students from all the Democritus University departments, located in four cities (Xanthi, Komotini, Alexandroupoli, Orestiada) can benefit from DOSYP’s services.
The services are provided free of charge.
Who are the members of the team?
The Counseling and Psychosocial Support department: Psychiatrist, Psychologists and Social Workers.
The Accessibility department: electrical and computer engineers.
What kind of services does DOSYP provide?
■ Individual and group Counselling in order to support students who face difficulties in their everyday lives
■ Specialized Technology, which provides accessible learning processes for students with disabilities.
■ Building and other infrastructure accessibility study
■ Preventive interventions and activities, aiming at students’ empowerment, so as they can develop their abilities.
■ Volunteer network
■ Networking with health and social services in their area.
Are there specific requirements in order to use DOSYP services?
No, there are not specific requirements. DOSYP supports students facing difficulties during their studies. Every issue which is important for a student, deserves attention and support.
How can I make an appointment with DOSYP?
By addressing at the Call Centre and then dialing the number of the Main Hub or of one of the other departments which correspond to the city of your University. Deal (1) for the main Hub in Komotini, (2) for Alexandroupoli, (3) for Xanthi and (4) for Orestiada. Alternatively, you can send an email at dosyp@duth.gr. After you have applied for a service we call you again to inform you about the details of your appointment.
You can always visit our Departments to meet us in person at the working hours.
How can I apply for DOSYPs activities?
By addressing at the Call Centre and then dialing the number of the Main Hub or of one of the other departments which correspond to the city of your University. Dial (1) for the main Hub in Komotini, (2) for Alexandroupoli, (3) for Xanthi and (4) for Orestiada. . Alternatively, you can send an email at (dosyp@duth.gr).
How can I become a member of the volunteer group?
By using all the communication types described above (by telephone, e- mail, sending a message at our page at facebook), filling the volunteer form you will find at the Volunteering section and by joining us at educatory activities, seminars, workshops, talks, organized especially for the volunteers of DOSYP.
What about confidentiality?
Personal data that DOSYP collects and processes are only the necessary ones, in order for the goal of the service to be fulfilled and in terms of the specific legal context.
DOSYP processes the data they receive from the applicants after they fill an application form. This consists the following data:
- ID Information
- Contact Information
- Health Information
If permission is required, DOSYP follows all the legal procedures in order to certify it.
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time of the procedure.
Personal data are collected according to the General Code for Personal Data and the existing national legislation, either in the beginning of your cooperation with DOSYP or during the cooperation, and can be processed under legal conditions:
- Your consent, when you apply for DOSYP services
- The fulfillment of duty for the public interest and execution of your legal obligation, according to the demands of the Partnership Agreement for the Human Resources Development, education and lifelong learning.
Compliance to DUTH General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)