6th Newsletter to Students:

Learning disabilities and dyslexia



Learning disabilities constitute an umbrella term which concerns a multitude of disorders and problems related to written and oral speech. Specifically, learning disabilities concern difficulties related to the language, reading, writing and the way of learning though which. Typically, they are separated into General and Specific learning disabilities (because of environmental and biological cues, respectively). In the specific ones, dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia are included. The most common of all learning disabilities is dyslexia. The term dyslexia define difficulties in reading and writing in people who do not face mental retardation. These kinds of difficulties are attributed to disorders in cognitive and kinetic skills and their coordination which is caused by dysfunction of the nervous system. Even though many countries do not recognize dyslexia as a disability, sometimes it is treated as one, because the problems experienced by people who live with dyslexia require special conditions of treatment and support during educational procedures.