Although the competitive character of the labour market, if approached methodically, it could offer several quality career opportunities. Thus, every candidate needs to know the skills that will increase their chances of being hired, but most importantly, how to properly prepare to develop those skills.

The skills divide into technical skills (hard skills), such as knowledge of computer literacy, foreign languages, machine operation, etc. and social skills (soft skills), which according to research, (more information at the end of the text), are more important than technical skills, which offer better-hiring chances and salary increases. Social skills’ trap is, compared to the technical skills, that many consider the first one to be “invisible”, whereas the second one could be proven with certificates. While this is true to a degree, the fact is that an experienced HR executive could act as a decently accurate “certificate” of social skills, meaning that truthful preparation for these skills is a one-way street.

“I knew social skills were not my strongest quality. So, when I was looking for a job, I tried to develop them. It was quite an internal process that occasionally was difficult for me. However, seeing the benefits, I am sure I would not have had such a successful career if I had continued to ignore them.”

-C. Postgraduate student of the Democritus University of Thrace

Communication is a significant skill that includes someone’s ability to focus entirely on everything the interlocutor mentions, understand the exact message and the information communicated and use it to respond appropriately. The response should be given in such a way that the interlocutor can easily process and understand it. Communication in work environment can be verbal (conversation, meeting) or written (email, chat, letter, etc.) with a colleague, supervisor, customer, etc.

Εmpathy is another skill which is defined as someone’s ability to truly understand and connect with another’s feelings without thinking about their own. It is also often referred to as emotional intelligence. Empathetic employees can easily understand the perspective of their colleagues or customers and put themselves in their shoes. It enables them to respect their ideas and demonstrate a genuine interest in the situation or problems the other side is facing. This skill has a positive impact on other skills such as teamwork and communication. Its effect is undeniable since they are all based on mutual understanding.

The skill of adaptability in the work environment is defined as the ability of the employee to learn new skills and behaviours as long as the already known conditions are changing. The importance of adaptability is constantly increasing, as rapid developments force companies to often adjust their operation, due to technological, strategic, and other alterations. A flexible employee inspires confidence in those around him.

Teamwork skills include those abilities that enable employees to work well with others. They are always required either during conversations or in participating in a group that must produce some results. A team-oriented professional is considered by his ability to easily integrate into the group and help reach the desired result quickly, effortlessly, and correctly.

Influence is the skill that allows an employee to alter and shape others’ behaviour and ideas. Influence is associated with someone’s ability to persuade, communicate, deal with crises, and negotiate successfully. However, it expands much further.


Guide to Improve Social Skills

All our social skills could improve with proper methods and practice during our social interactions. Here are some ways that help you “sharpen” your soft skills and increase both the chances of being hired and the effective collaboration with colleagues once you get hired.

  • Conversation: Take every opportunity to participate in conversations with friends, family, fellow students, professors, and acquaintances. Listen carefully to the information communicated and provide short and brief responses that benefit the conversation, without using one-worded answers. Conceive anything is discussed from their point of view, removing any personal prejudice that prevents mutual understanding. Thus, complementary to communication, empathy will also be improved gradually.


  • Group: Group participation offers the opportunity to improve skills such as influence, teamwork, communication and empathy. Outings and vacation planning with friends are also group processes that help to improve social skills. Listen and consider everyone’s abilities, feelings and opinions in any proposition you make with openness to compromise. In case of comprehension problems, it is necessary to deal with them calmly. Sports teams, cultural groups, any other group and academic group work, as well, offer better opportunities for improvement, since the group consists of many unknown people. In other words, it is an adequate simulation of the work environment.


  • Aim to meet and connect with people with different social characteristics than yours. You will be able to acknowledge entirely different experiences from what you were used to since it will be easier for you to relate to others. Thus, you will manage to improve your empathy and communication skills.


  • Give your attention to the academic courses requiring the development of logical and properly ordered arguments, which you could support through writing or presenting. You will improve your influencing ability since you will use to make the internal effort required not only to solution-finding, but also to be able to express them in a correct verbal or written way.


  • Internship: In addition to the coveted first professional experience, internships could offer much more if approached as the perfect opportunity to practice and develop social skills. Observe and explore the reasoning of your colleagues. Despite participating in conversations or not, observe to get used to converting everything you listen to into information. Aim to take on various projects to enhance your adaptability. Aspire to actively participate in groups and connect with colleagues through conversation and active listening when they face any difficulty.


  • Be informed about movements in your professional field and familiarise yourself with related mechanisms, such as some related professional software. That demonstrates your adaptability and flexibility to potential employers, showing also you are genuinely interested in new challenges.


  • Question your methods and level of knowledge, as overconfidence in the value of learning accompanies the reluctance to learn new skills and stagnation.


  • Embrace mistakes as something normal when learning something new. If you familiarise yourself with this reality, you will keep trying to adapt without frustration and giving up at the first difficulty.


  • Self-reflect on your social skills. Get the opinion of the people around you. Whatever outcome is reflected, is to recognise that no one is perfect or sufficient in all these skills. It is important to frequently assess their situation and follow the above actions to improve them.



The above guide can be used as an introductory and basic social skills manual and as a reference point for progress assessment. Unlike technical skills, social skills are highly valued, easily perceived by everyone, and improve professional and personal life, whereas they offer fundamental opportunities effective in every future company.

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